

生涯規劃 » S.3 subject selection talk

The S.3 talk on subject selection aimed at enabling S.3 students to have a better understanding of each subject before making a wise decision on choosing the electives. At the beginning, Mr Tang emphasized the importance of selecting their electives correctly. Afterwards, Mr Mak explained the process of S.4 Class streaming to S.3 students. Students taking M1 or M2 would be grouped in S.4D. All students will be arranged in a queue according to their annual rank orders in the report cards. The student ranked highest in the queue will be allocated elective subjects before the others.. After that, eleven teachers took turns to introduce the features of the electives and the pass rates of their electives over the past years to students. The Maths Extended Module was explained by Mr Yung. Finally, Mr Mak, demonstrated how to complete a trial elective selection on Kei Hau website and distributed the useful information about the subject electives to all S.3 students.